April Week 1 – Entry for ‘Bike of the Month’
If ‘Gangsta Rappers’ could ride bicycles I think they would be queuing up to try to buy Rubén Castro’s Colnago. Rubén lives in France and his family lives in Portugal. Below the slideshow of the bike there is an interesting video about the bike and the sourcing of parts. This is a contender for May’s bike of the month, but wait until you see all the bikes this month before you decide which one should be the winner
Bicycle Make: Colnago
Bicycle model: Colnago C35
Date of Manufacture: 1989
5 spokes Carbon wheels made with the collaboration between Colnago, Ambrosio and Ferrari, special wheels for the Colnago C35 model. Full groupset Campagnolo C-Record special gold plated Colnago 35th anniversary edition with cobalto brakes. Saddle Régal by Girardi.
Other information: This bicycle it’s the result of the collaboration between Colnago and Ferrari. The Colnago C35 appears in 1989 and was produced until the late 90′, but only a few rare C35 was equipped with a special gold plated groupset to celebrate the 35th anniversary of the brand. My dream was to have one, but I didn’t want other color than the purple edition, that’s the reason why I decided to mount my Colnago C35 searching the pieces separately.