Museo della Bicicletta
The OldVelos were in Italy in June and were fortunate to have the opportunity to visit the fantastic Mueso della Biciletta in Cosseria, Liguria. The museum is in a beautiful location, in the mountains, about 25 kms from Savona. It is advised to contact them before visiting as it is not always open.
The museum was founded by the incredible Luciano Berruti (RIP), who we met a number of times at various l’Eroica events.

When we met him he was always a bit of a joker and obviously enjoyed being an entertainer. What we realised when we visited his Museum and workshop was that there were other facets to him. He was a talented engineer, bicycle historian, artist, visionary and of course the face of l’Eroica. We were fortunate to meet Sofia ,his wife, when we were there and she invited us to visit the workshop he created in his house which was a homage to bicycle shops of a time long passed. Like everything else he had created it was a work of art.

Just when we thought we had seen everything Sofia showed us the drawing below and implementation of the thread mill that Luciano created in the back garden, I think I will stick to my Turbo Trainer, much safer!