The Roca Sports Tricycle Challenge

Those of you who read the ‘Tricycle Diaries‘ on this website will appreciate how difficult it is to make a trike go where you what it to go. It is a bit of a black art and once you master it you will realise that it is something that you can definitely strike off your ‘bucket list’, or you will become totally addicted and feel superior when you pass people with only two thirds of the amount of wheels that you have.

Have a look at the video below and you will appreciate how an experienced cyclist like Thomas Cahill took to master the skill. If you think you can do any better the OldVelos are organising a ‘Tricycle Challenge’ at the opening of the new Roca Sports shop on the 13th November. All are welcome to try, the course will be similar to the one below without the presence of the large delivery truck! long

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